/  Activities & Resources  /  Curves of Pursuit

Curves of Pursuit

Create a Curves of Pursuit artwork!

All you need is a pencil, ruler and some simple shapes

The termites have joined the Maths Mates on a beach clean

The termites wanted to cover as much of the beach as possible, so they each stood at a corner of the beach and began walking, at the same speed, towards the termite on their left. Their tracks make curves in the sand, these are called Curves of Pursuit!

With this activity you’ll be finding out what happens when one point moves towards another moving point, and exploring how patterns change when you change the number of points or the speed, and therefore the distance between points.

It’s also a great way to practise your measuring and line drawing skills!

Download the activity sheets from the Resources section below.

This activity is part of Summer Fun with the Maths Mates, a creative maths programme with a fun pirate adventure theme. There are lots of activities to try including craft, construction, puzzles, baking, maps and games. The activities all have different themes and explore a range of mathematical ideas.

It is ideal for families to try at home during the summer holidays. Play leaders can also use the activities with children at holiday clubs or summer schemes.

Curves of Pursuit Activity

Curves of Pursuit Activity Sheet

Create a Curves of Pursuit artwork