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Maths, Art & Buildings

Discover the link between maths, art and the buildings around you with our Paul Klee inspired activity

With this activity you will be exploring shape properties (sides, corners and vertices), interpreting and recording data , and investigating fractions in a creative way.

The artist Paul Klee used geometric shapes of various sizes and colour to create a city skyline in his abstract painting Castle and Sun.
We can use this painting to talk about shapes and their properties, fractions and ratios.

Create your own Paul Klee inspired artwork

Think about how you can fit triangles, rectangles, squares and circles to make your own castle or city scene. You may choose to draw your own shapes using a pencil and ruler or perhaps you have objects at home you could draw around.


Paul Klee 'Maths & Art' blog post


Read the original blog post featuring this creative maths activity