In 2014 we were approached by the Imperial War Museums to develop a series of activities on the ‘Secret Maths of Spies’, to run during the February 2014 half term on HMS Belfast. Building on the success of the initial week of events, we further developed the activities to include a ‘D-Day’ theme, enabling HMS Belfast to run ‘Cracking Codes’ weekends in June and July. In total, 899 children and 488 adults participated in the activities over the course of 12 days.
Thanks @mathsontoast for a brilliant code-cracking workshop at HMS Belfast which my maths shy son and myself thought was ace. Twitter, 18th February 2014
Alexandra’s session it is safe to say, is a hit with the team and the public … Whenever I visited the teaching room was full and the visitors enthralled. Grant Rogers, Informal Learning Manager, Imperial War Museum