Maths on Toast’s Join-In projects and galleries offer everyone – families at home, community groups, libraries and schools – the opportunity to take part in collaborative, imaginative hands-on maths.
There are 3 key Join-In moments in the Maths on Toast calendar, with a project launching each spring, summer and autumn. The galleries stay open and you can send in your creations at any time.
How do I take part?
All you need – resources, templates, instructions and videos for each season’s Join-In project – are available for free on our website. Simply take part and create – then send us a picture to feature in our online gallery!
Parents and families – take part at home and tell your friends and family!
Schools / Home Educators – take part and create at school or print the resources out and send home for families to join in. Or why not invite parents and carers to take part in a session at school?
Click here for information about our additional online schools sessions
Community groups and libraries – run a session in your venue or print our resources for families to take home.
Example Text to share with families
We are taking part in Maths on Toast Join-In Project and Gallery. This is a great way for families to engage with their children’s maths learning in a fun and hands-on way. Please do take a look at all the resources, get creating and and share your pictures with with us and online at @mathsontoast
Online Gallery
We love seeing the creative maths you do at home. Share a picture of your work and we will add it to one of our online galleries!
To be included in the gallery, email a picture of your work (with you if you like!) to and tell us which gallery it is for. You can be anonymous, give us your child’s first name and/or age or tell us your school class maybe – it’s up to you.
You could also post it on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, tagging us @mathsontoast
And don’t forget to share and spread the word – we want everyone to Join-In!
Join-In projects are a great way to enjoy doing maths together as a family or group, building a positive attitude to maths and exploring mathematical ideas at your own pace and in your own way. Why is this a good idea? Find out more about the 5 Key Principles of the Maths on Toast creative maths approach.

Spring 2023 - Musical Maths
Most people tend to see music and maths as completely different things. Music is creative and artistic, whereas maths is scientific and logical! Well actually, they are very similar. Come and make your own instrument with us this term and use it to find the maths in music!
Join-In Spring 2023

Autumn 2022 - Snowflakes
Discover one of the marvels of nature: Snowflakes! The tiny ice crystals that form snowflakes are made up of a shape with six lines of symmetry. We will be exploring shape, space and symmetry and how accuracy is important in maths.
Join-In Autumn 2022

Summer 2022 - Infinity Tiles
Join-In with our Infinity Tiles project and get creative with colours. Discover how simple geometry can be used to create complex designs. Imagine how shapes and lines fit together and create never-ending patterns!
Join-In Summer 2022

Spring 2022 - Terrific Tangrams
Join-In with our Terrific Tangram project and make your own Tangram. Explore the different shapes – do you know all their names? Now rearrange the shapes to create new pictures and see what a square can become…