Terrific Tangram Join-In: Spring 2022
Our Terrific Tangram project is all about shapes. Did you know that a square can split into seven geometric shapes made up of two small triangles, one medium triangle, two large triangles, a square and a parallelogram?
This is called a Tangram. A tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle
Can you make your own Tangram and then create a picture with your shapes to add to our story…
Read all about our Join-In Spring 2022 project here
Can you make a tangram puzzle out of toast!
Make your own tangram puzzle, and then make giraffes, cats or whatever you want. It’s playing with your food, but it’s also definitely mathematical.
Watch our video 🎬How to make a toasty tangram and try making your own Tangram creation.
Online Gallery
Share a picture of your work and we will add it to our online Tangram Gallery!
To be included in the gallery, email a picture of your work (with you if you like!) to info@mathsontoast.org.uk . You can be anonymous, give us your child’s first name and/or age or tell us your school class maybe – it’s up to you.
You could also post it on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, tagging us @mathsontoast
And don’t forget to share and spread the word – we want everyone to Join-In!