Following on from a successful pilot in 2019, we started delivery of Maths on Toast ‘coffee mornings’ in schools in Camden and Tower Hamlets. Our aim is to bring parents and their children together in a friendly, fun environment to discover and explore creative maths together. Trying the hands-on activities, having fun and learning together helps to increase confidence and create positive memories of maths. Parents gain confidence and an understanding of how they can ‘play’ with and support maths at home; and everyone discovers how maths is in so many of our daily activities and the world around us.
At Old Palace Primary School over 50 parents took part with their children. Families were invited to participate in the programme which ran over 4 weeks with various weekly themes throughout. We provided all craft materials and activity sheets for the sessions plus take away activities and tips on how to enjoy maths as a family and support maths at home.
Parents and children were excited to see each other at school and keen to take on the challenges together. All parents asked for more sessions, with one parent commenting, “This has been so useful, now I understand some of the things I can use at home.”
Please note: we currently have funding to be able to deliver coffee morning sessions in a number of schools across Camden and Brent. To enquire about delivery, email
If you would like to discuss funding us to deliver in your school or fund delivery more widely in other London boroughs or areas further afield, please email our CEO: